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Showing posts from September, 2018

Why We Procrastinate: Vik Nithy

Greetings, my today's learning is Why we Procrastinate? great talk by Vik Nithy The Fight Within    Monkey Vs Man    Limbic System Vs Pre-Frontal Cortex 1. Plan Goals    Split it into task 2. Plan Time    What you get done in what time frame Note: We just have to make into our habit: Auto-Pilot 3. Plan Resources    10 minutes before Starting on Task, have every resources in front of you. 4. Plan the Process    A/c to Research - If we Visualize the process of doing something the Task become easier to do. Close you're eyes and think the complete process of Task being done. Brain tricked of task already done making it much easier for the task being done 5. Plan for Distraction    You know the Monkey inside won't sit quite  keep you're Words, Commitment, be Honest with yourself deep down yourself. 6. Plan for Failure   While doing Math Problem, you come to a question that you can't do, This is the Time Monkey wakes for so called 5 min break cal

The 5 seconds Rule: By Mel Robbins

Well today I learned the 5 seconds Decision: By Mel Robbins Amazingly simple yet life changing science, here's my notes from the talk.   THE 5 SECONDS DECISION RULE  FROM Auto Pilot To Decision Maker 1. Brains not designed to do difficult things, but road to the is at opposite direction. Motivation is Garbage 2. Don't pull yourself off from difficult situation: Throw yourself and just start doing it. 3. Decide, take charge of your life. 4. Take calculated Risk. 5. We are afraid of doing things, you cannot avoid storm being an Ostrich, little avoiding accumulate things to big Mountain. 6. How to get out of your head, don't hit the snooze. 7. Kill the future me Do it now. Motivation is Garbage just do it. Motivation is not there when you most need it, 8. NASA launch, I'm gonna move so fast as Rocket towards target. Dive into the that inner call, inner wisdom. I knew the knowledge what to do the checklist. IDEA

Recreate Yourself

10 key points to Recreate Yourself.  Invest in your Identity Let the Right Ones in Protect your Credibility Score Strengthen your Greatest Weapon Challenge your way of Thinking Know your Why? Work like its 1880's Elevate your imagination to whole new level Be Curious as Alice (in wonderland) Break away from the Old You Ultimately make decision to create yourself & get after your Dreams & live a Legacy for people that love you & for the people that matter the most to you. Patrick David is an awesome coach, I find his words highly radioactive which boosts my energy level to its peak. Book Recommendation: Doing The Impossible Thanks, Happy Learning